- Sounds and Civilization Musician Shoji Yamashiro, known for his work on the soundtrack of the epic anime film "AKIRA" and his live performances, along with his ensemble "Geinoh Yamashirogumi”. Real name Tsutomu Ohashi, he is also a scientist who has discovered and researched the "HyperSonic Effect," which refers to the positive effects that ultrasonic sounds beyond the audible range of humans have on the human brain. Based on the research on sound by Dr. Ohashi and the inspiration drawn from the musical endeavors of the same individual, Shoji Yamashiro, we produced a short documentary exploring the relationship between sound and civilization.
- JKD 7th Anniversary : Audio Visual Show “Radius” We produced JKD 7th anniversary / Audio Visual Show “Radius” at Shibuya PARCO.
- JKD Collective 6th Anniversary : Radius Live show "Radius" by JKD Collective featuring top artists.
- MUTEK JP JKD has collaborated with Asai and the programmer Masayuki Daijima to create our original audio-visualizer, inspired by the Japanese traditional kimono pattern called Edo Komon, which will be projected during the performance.
- JKD Audio Visual Installation HAND Vol.02 Audio visual installation JKD conducted for Live Entertainment and Event Expo 2016 in collaboration with Drill and AVC. JKD handled the audiovisual contents screened in the 5.7m high/13m wide booth made entirely of LEDs displayed by AVC.
- JKD Audio Visual Installation HAND Vol.01 Audio visual installation JKD conducted for Live Entertainment and Event Expo 2016 in collaboration with Drill and AVC. JKD handled the audiovisual contents screened in the 5.7m high/13m wide booth made entirely of LEDs displayed by AVC.
- JKD Collective 3rd Anniversary Party : Multiverse Amazing Party/Live Event performed by 6 musicians and VJs for the 3rd-year anniversary of JKD Collective.
JKD 5th Anniversary: Multiverse
A video captured during JKD's 5th anniversary party of the thrilling freestyle session by a genius rapper Chinza Dopeness and Tipleso along with Reggaelation IndependAnce.
- Radius: A New Music Platform by JKD Taking the opportunity of our 5th anniversary, JKD launched “Radius”, a new music platform.
- Wayo Secchu Exhibition Barcelona-based artist Aleix Gordo, influenced by Japanese manga, and Tokyo-based artist Tadaomi Shibuya, famous for his stylized, angular forms, came together for a special party produced by JKD and featuring collaborative live painting and an art exhibition.